Wednesday, 10 February 2021

January Highlights (2021)

 Hey guys,

Welcome back to my blog or welcome if you're new!

Today I'm sharing my highlights from January, if you are new to my blog my highlights posts are a round up of some of my favourite moments and some things I want to share etc from the previous month

So, without further a-do, let's get into it shall we?


On the 1st at about 3am I entered Justin Bieber's virtual NYE concert (I'm in the UK so at the time it started it was still NYE in the US but it was already New Year's here), I watched until about 5:30am before I got too tired haha

There was a 're-air' at 8pm on the 1st (UK time) so I watched that to catch up on what I missed

It was so good! It honestly felt like you were at a concert!

Also on the 1st we had our New Year's Day lunch, we had pork, mash potato, carrots, sweetcorn, Yorkshire puddings and gravy


I started writing my 2021 goals blog post on the 2nd

The 2nd was also our dog Chase's birthday, I'll put some pictures of him here incase you're new around here

We also facetimed my sister and nieces on the 2nd too


I baked vanilla cupcakes on the 3rd and I added chocolate chips to 3 of them too haha (I added them into some of the mixture and added chocolate chip decoration to those ones too)

They turned out really well and tasted so good! You can't beat a basic vanilla cupcake


On the 5th I did French for the first time in ages haha

If anyone is interested I use Duolingo to learn as it's super easy to use


I did French again on the 8th, I'm really trying to get back into learning French again this year as I love the language and want to hopefully be able to speak and understand it one day

I also posted my 2021 goals blog post on the 8th, which you can find here if you haven't read it yet and you're interested to see what my goals for this year are


On the 11th I hit 3,080 total views on my YouTube channel!

Also on the 11th my trying French food video hit 200 views! This is my first video ever to hit 200 views, thank you guys so much, it means a lot to know you enjoyed the video so much as it was so fun for me to film too and I definitely plan on doing some more videos like that hopefully soon

Thank you!


I noticed on the 18th that my channel had hit 3,100 total views! Thank you guys so much, I appreciate every single view, it really means the world!

I also posted my December Highlights blog post on the 18th, you can find that post here if you want to check it out


On the 25th I went to Costa with my Mum (of course, they are only doing take out) and I got a cheese and bean toastie as well as a cheese and tomato one, which tasted kinda like pizza by the way haha

I also got a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows


I noticed on the 26th that my French food video had 2.1k impressions (impressions aren't views) and that 22.9% of those impressions were from being recommended on the home page!

I'm pretty sure this is my first video ever to get recommended on the home page and so again I want to thank you guys because without you loving this video so much I wouldn't have got to the home page, leading to even more views, thank you so much!


I hit 60 followers on my dance Instagram account on the 27th! If you want to see more dance content from me then be sure to follow my dance account here

Also on the 27th I did some more of the OpenLearn dance course I started a while ago


On the 29th part 2 of my vlog from early December finally went up (I had some editing software issues and then uploading issues haha)

I decided to premiere the video as I'd never done that on YouTube before and it was so fun! Only a few people joined but it was so nice to chat about the video, so thank you to anyone who joined, I definitely want to do more premieres in the future

If you haven't seen the video you can check it out here


I posted a new piece of choreography I'd worked on for a little bit on my dance Instagram on the 30th

It's to Justin Bieber's latest song Anyone, if you wanna check it out I'll link it here as I'm super happy with how it turned out


I completed my January to do list on the 31st, literally the latest date to finish it haha, definitely hoping to finish this month's a little sooner than the end of the month

If you haven't seen my January favourites post I put up the other day (I'll link it here, go check it out) I mentioned this list and how I plan to write one every month this year with goals for each month that will help me get closer to my bigger goals for this year and I also added a progress bar to it to track my progress for that month too and I basically separate the bar into the number of goals I have that month and every time I complete one I colour it in, I've found that it motivates me more to do the goals as I can see my progress as it happens

Okay so those are all of my highlights from January, which brings us to the end of this blog post,

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, if you did be sure to follow my blog (the options are in the right side bar) and be sure to let me know in the comments what one of your highlights from last month was

Thank you guys so much for reading and I will see you 4pm UK time on Sunday for part 2 of my series I just started,

Bye guys!

Hanna x