Friday 25 September 2020

Did I Complete My Summer Bucket List? (2020)

Hey guys,

As of a few days ago, we are officially in Autumn!

Weirdly I've actually been really excited for Autumn this year which is unusual as spring and summer are my favourite seasons haha, maybe it's because we're closer to Christmas now (too soon? nah, never haha)

Today I'm going to be letting you guys know how I did with my summer bucket list for this year, honestly I feel like I did really well with my list this year, I still didn't complete the whole list (that never happens haha) but I got further than usual I think, maybe that's just because with everything going on I had to make a smaller, more realistic list for once haha

Anyway, let's just jump straight into it, shall we?

The first thing on my list this year was to enjoy the nice weather,

Of course I did this one, while the weather was nice haha

In fact I actually opened my birthday presents sat outside this year and through summer we've sat outside to eat a fair bit too etc and just enjoy the weather

So this one was completed

Next on my list was to do a DIY,

I feel I did this, but the DIY I am in the process of still also comes under another similar thing that I put later on my list to

Basically I bought a paint by numbers a few weeks ago and I've been really enjoying doing that most days, it's still not finished but I'll show you guys where I'm up to with it later on

I did have plans to DIY some shorts but I couldn't find any I really liked and when I did they didn't have my size and the weather wasn't so great anymore so I decided not to do that in the end haha, maybe I'll do the DIY I was gonna do on the shorts to some jeans instead, would you guys be interested in seeing something like that? I was basically just gonna put some studs on the pockets, so nothing fancy, but let me know in the comments if you'd like to see that

But anyway I'm still gonna consider this one completed, as the paint by numbers is still a DIY because I'm painting it myself haha

Try a new food or drink was next on the list,

Nothing springs to mind for this one and you'd think I'd remember trying something new

I checked my camera roll too and can't find any pictures of new foods or drinks I tried so I'm pretty sure I didn't complete this one this year haha

Order from French Click for the second time this year was the next thing I put on this year's list,

I did this one last Monday haha, I've ordered a few things I know I like and a few new things to try but  it isn't arriving until next Friday otherwise I would've been able to try a new food or drink sooner

So this one is completed even if my order doesn't arrive until next week haha

Next up was to buy some new clothes,

I actually didn't do this one, funnily enough I'm not as into clothes shopping as most people my age haha, plus I prefer to try stuff on in store and look around, I don't online shop much and honestly even though clothes shops have re-opened I just didn't feel like going with everything still going on and with the fact places aren't allowing you to try on in store either

So this one wasn't completed

Do a haul/lookbook,

I feel like when I wrote the clothes ones I assumed we'd be more 'back to normal' before the end of summer, I also hoped if all else failed I could do a French Click haul but like I said I only ordered just over a week ago, so that didn't work out haha

So this one, just like the last one, wasn't completed

Film something summery,

I feel like I did this in my opinion, I filmed a lil baking IGTV making funfetti cupcakes which I feel were pretty summery, I also vlogged my birthday last month which was in summer haha

So I feel I completed this one

Next up, go on a walk,

Ok, so I didn't go for a walk around the lake near me like I mentioned in my actual bucket list post but I did go for a walk into town a few weeks ago with my Dad to go to Lush and of course I had to get Starbucks too haha (I did a day out style post from this day, if you're interested I'll link it here)

I also feel I've walked places other than that haha but honestly I'm still not leaving the house a ton, I just feel better staying home still mostly right now

But anyway, I'm considering this completed

On the list next, get a better skincare routine in place,

Oops! haha

I didn't really do this, at the time I was reading Caroline Hirons' book all about skincare and then I began to find it a little overwhelming as I was reading a ton of information daily haha so I took a break from the book

I also want to wait until I can buy all products needed at once not a few at a time, that way I can fully refresh my routine

So this one was not completed

Next on my list was eat ice cream,

Of course I've done this haha, I've had ice cream just out of the freezer from home and McFlurries too as well as a flake ice cream every now and then etc, who doesn't love ice cream in summer?

So this was completed

Make ice cream,

I didn't do this, I wanted to originally but then I feel like I just prioritised other stuff on the list I wanted to do more so haha

So this wasn't completed

Post something summery on Instagram,

I definitely feel I did this, I posted the IGTV I mentioned before and I also posted some pictures from my little at home birthday photo shoot which I feel were summery as the dress I wore is kinda summery (you can find my Instagram here if you want to check out the photos I'm talking about, if you haven't already seen them haha)

So I'm considering this completed

Next on my list this year I put, and I quote, 'be more hydrated (like that ever happens)'

Let's be real, in the last few years I've done these lists this has probably been on all of them and I always fail haha or it goes good at the beginning of summer and slowly fails toward the middle or the end

So yeah, you guessed it, this one wasn't completed

Bake or cook something new,

What with choosing to still stay home a lot I've done this one a fair bit haha,

So I'm gonna go through the things I've made from the first things to the most recent this summer,

First I made a cupcake mix, a Frozen 2 one actually haha, as I'd asked my Mum to get me a chocolate one and this was the only one they had in the shop she went to at the time

They did come with those edible rice paper things or whatever but I don't really like those so I just used some sprinkles we had in the cupboard to decorate them

Then I made the funfetti cupcakes I mentioned before (from scratch, not a box haha)

Then I made sugar cookies from scratch also

This was the first time I made any type of biscuit without help and I was pretty proud of myself haha

And then a few days later I made mini egg cookie bars

I definitely need to make cookie bars more, they're so good haha

Then finally the other day I tried to make chocolate cookies myself and they kinda failed

As you can see the first four were fine but the rest burnt haha, not sure how that happened but for some reason the outside was cooking faster than the inside, so yeah, cookies aren't my forte but it's fine, I'll work on it and improve haha

So then after the cookie fail I decided to make muffins the same day to redeem myself haha

These turned out really well to be fair, I feel I'm better at cakes than biscuits haha

The only thing I'd do differently with these next time is add some vanilla extract as the recipe didn't call for it but I feel it could've used a little haha but that's just a personal preference, they still tasted great

And then on the cooking front last Sunday I tried to semi dry tomatoes, kind of a fail to be fair as I think I used too much oil but I tried, they just didn't seem very dried hahaha

And finally I made a rice bowl with chicken rice, potatoes and carrots the other day inspired by JoJo's bowl she posted on her food Instagram that day

Let's be real, the rice was one in a packet that you add water too and simmer for like 10 minutes, the potatoes and carrots were tinned as we had them in the cupboard, but it's a start haha, as we learned from the tomatoes cooking isn't my forte, I much prefer baking, but I want to learn how to cook more things and it still looked great if I do say so myself haha and it tasted sooo good!

So yeah, I think it's safe to say I completed this and I've found a real love for baking too and definitely wanna keep doing it more from now on

Next was set up AdSense on my blog,

So I tried this and well it didn't go great haha

I went to the earnings tab here on Blogger and clicked to apply, I checked the policies etc and I feel my blog follows them, I did everything else I needed to do and I then waited over two weeks only to be told my blog 'isn't ready' and I can't even find out why as they tell you to go to the sites part of AdSense but because my blog wasn't approved I can't access that section, so yeah ya girl tried but Google said no hahaha

Seriously though the email I got linked a video of like the 3 main reasons people don't get approved and I can't be sure obviously but I think it might be because my content is considered 'invaluable' as it doesn't really teach anything, but like I said I tried and it obviously wasn't meant to be just yet

But I mean I still completed this because I did try haha

Play a game,

I've played a ton of animal crossing haha

So even though that's another thing on the list I'm gonna call this one completed haha

Make pizza,

I never got around to this one as I wanted it to be from scratch and let's face it I was busy baking half the time hahaha

So this wasn't completed, I did however eat a decent amount of pizza if that counts

Have a picnic in the garden,

I feel like I partly forgot about this one (always happens when I write these haha)

But yeah, so I didn't complete this one

Tie dye something,

Again I feel like I just prioritised other things over this, I still feel it could be fun to try sometime though, just not sure I'd suit tie dye clothes haha

So yeah, this wasn't completed

Next up was draw or paint something,

I have completed this and am still in the process of completing it fully haha, like I said before I got a paint by numbers on Amazon and it's honestly so fun, I just put music on and paint,

It's pretty relaxing too, I'd definitely recommend if you want something to do that isn't technology based haha as this is great to pass time and get away from my phone for a bit

At the time of posting this, this is where I'm at with it

The one I got is a multicoloured lion as when I was looking on Amazon I was just drawn to the lion for some reason, maybe it's because I'm a Leo haha but also I feel like lions kind of signify strength as they're such a strong creature so I figured if I frame it when it's done it would look good on my wall as a daily reminder I guess haha

Next on the list was to FaceTime a friend,

I must be one of the only people who hasn't done this at the moment, not really sure why not to be honest haha

So yeah, this didn't get completed

And finally on my list was to play plenty of Animal Crossing,

I've definitely done this one haha, I feel like I did this more so when I first got the game and recently I've not been playing it as often but I'm trying to get back into it more again

But yeah, I definitely think I completed this one

So there we have it, that's how I did with my summer bucket list this year,

I feel like I did pretty well this year, I completed a decent amount of things,

How do you guys think I did? Let me know in the comments

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, be sure to let me know in the comments also what was one thing you really wanted to do this summer that you achieved?

Thank you guys so much for reading and I will see you very soon for another blog post,

Hanna x

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