Monday, 7 January 2019

My Goals For 2019!

Hey guys,
Today I'm going to be sharing my 2019 goals with you guys,
I will have a post coming soon as to whether I completed my 2018 goals and one about whether I completed my December goals too but for now this post is just going to focus on my goals for this year,
So, without further a do, here they are:

  • Bake more this year
I really enjoyed baking and making things for blogmas so I'd like to get a little more into it this year, also I have a few baking books and a lot of the recipes in them look so good!
  • Finally start acro or another style of dance like I have been saying I will for ages (I want to start tap or contemporary again too)
I've said this one for a while, in fact, it was one of my 2018 goals, but this year I'm determined to make it happen
  • Vlog more this year
I really want to do lots more vlogging this year as I feel like it would help my confidence towards vlogging the more I do it, I actually put up a vlog yesterday and I'm so proud of it (You can find it here if you'd like to watch it)
  • Start saving up money again
I did this for so long in 2018 but then ended up stopping, what with Christmas saving became pretty hard haha so I'd like to start setting aside some money for things again this year
  • Take a friends holiday/road trip
Me and Tamanna have talked about this for ages, we probably discussed it all of 2018 but with me not having a job it just didn't happen
But just like vlogging I'd like to do a little travelling this year where possible and of course I'd film it for you guys haha
  • Learn to swim
Again this was a 2018 goal but I just didn't get time to go to a pool and do this one,
I would however love to do this one this year, I feel like if I could swim I'd be able to get cool footage for vlogs and stuff, plus it's something I've wanted to do for a while
  • Learn to drive
This year I'd love to learn to drive, what inspired me to want to do this a little more was seeing all the fun challenges that would be easier for me to do for YouTube if I could drive
For example: Starbucks baristas control my drinks for a week, I would be able to get back and forth to my nearest Starbucks easier. I also love the idea of doing a drive with me video
I'm not necessarily saying they are the biggest reasons I want to learn haha but it would make getting stuff for videos easier
  • Get a job
I struggled looking for jobs in 2018, I got a job but then it wasn't what I thought it would be like so I left not long after, I then had an interview but that completely knocked my confidence and put me off looking for a while so I want to start looking again and hopefully get a job this year
  • Get either my over or my middle splits
Getting my over splits was actually a 2018 goal but it didn't happen because I didn't stick at stretching regularly, at one time I had got a 3 month gym membership on an offer they were having and I was stretching 3 days a week some weeks and I actually saw a huge improvement in my flexibility but then once the membership ran out I wasn't able to get into the gym as often and the flexibility has slowly faded away haha but this year I'm determined to stretch more, even at home
  • Go zip lining finally
I've wanted to do this for ages and so why not this year? I want to do so much more this year and have so much planned
  • Keep going to the gym and stretching more
As I mentioned before even if sometimes I have to stretch at home I want to start doing more of it
As for the gym once I (hopefully) get a job I should be able to afford to go more regularly again, in the meantime though I recently found a 30 day fitness challenge app I want to try out at home
  • Get 1k or 2k subscribers on YouTube
As I said before I want to film way more vlogs and just way more content in general for my channel this year and I would love to see my work pay off and to hit a big(ish) subscriber milestone
I know it's a long shot but a lot can happen in a year, right?
  • Hit 20k or 30k views on my blog
I'm already at 14,000 views so I don't think this will be so hard haha, so long as I keep posting regularly
  • Hit 2k or 5k on Instagram
Again, a bit of a long shot as I've been stuck in the 800's with followers for quite a while but I figured it's worth setting the goal anyway
I figured I'd put 2k as a lower one just in case haha
  • Hit 1k or 2k on Twitter
A bit of a long shot once again, but it's worth a try, right?
Although I do find it harder to gain followers on Twitter
  • Get a MacBook
This year I'd love to save and get a MacBook, I've looked into editing software for Windows and there aren't that many, at least not many free ones and I've always wanted a MacBook anyway, at least then I'd have iMovie to edit with until I can invest in better software
  • Finally go to Brighton
This was on last year's summer bucket list, but Brighton can be expensive so it never happened
Well, this year, I'd love to save up and make it happen and what better place to vlog considering so many YouTubers live in Brighton
  • Do a 30 day fitness challenge
Like I mentioned before I recently found an app of 30 day fitness challenges, they have one for abs, one for legs, one for pretty much anything so I decided I'd like to give the abs one a go and try and stick to it for the 30 days
This is also something I can do easily at home as the exercises don't require a gym from what I can see so far
  • Upload a dance video
I love choreographing my own stuff and I would love to share some of my work with you guys at some point this year, I mean I am in no way a professional and my choreography isn't always perfect but I love choreographing and so I'd like to share a bit of that with you guys this year
  • Start learning French again
I recently re downloaded Duolingo on my phone and so I'd love to start doing French again this year as I really enjoy learning it

And those are all of my goals for this year! If I think of any more I will add them and update you guys on social media
I hope you enjoyed this post
Let me know what some of your goals are in the comments

Thank you for reading and I will see you soon for another blog post,
Hanna x

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