Friday, 28 June 2019

An Update On My 2019 Goals!

Hey guys,
Today I thought I would do a little update as to how I'm getting on with my goals I set at the beginning of the year,
If you would like to read my 2019 goals post you can find it here, I tried to keep them a little more realistic this year haha
So, let's see how I've been doing with them then, shall we?

The first goal on my list was to bake more this year,
I mean I made a couple of mug cakes in February, I guess that counts a little haha
Other than that I made a mini egg cookie bar with my older sister and nieces in April

Oh and aside from that I've made some doggy muffins (you can buy dog cake mix haha) but I guess the mini egg cookie bars count most
I do really want to bake a little more this year too though

Next on my list was to start Acro or another style of dance,
I haven't managed to start acro yet but I feel like technically I have started learning a couple more styles, only I've been learning them for free all thanks to YouTube
Basically I found Auti Kamal's channel recently and on there she teaches dance steps and choreography, I've done one contemporary tutorial so far and I've tried two of her jazz videos so far, one learning steps and another starting to learn choreography
I was so surprised when I actually learnt all of the steps to one of her contemporary pieces in about an hour (I've done contemporary before a couple of years ago)
Jazz however is a little harder to get to grips with but I haven't done jazz since I was about 9 haha (it is super fun though)
So yeah, I've been working on dance quite a bit recently

Vlog more this year,
I've vlogged three times already this year, I love vlogging! I definitely want to vlog so much more the rest of this year too so I've definitely started this goal for the year
(If you'd like you can check out my vlogs or any of my videos on my channel here)

Start saving up money again was listed next,
I have and haven't started this one, this one started out well and then as the year has gone on it's kind of gone out of the window haha
I definitely need to start working on this again

Next on my goals list was to take a friends holiday/road trip,
This hasn't happened yet but I'd like to hope I can still do this one this year

Learn to swim is next,
I haven't had chance to start this one yet but I would love to learn sometime this year as I want to be able to swim when I go on holidays and stuff

Learn to drive,
I haven't started this one yet either, I can't really afford it currently but maybe I'll get around to it haha

Get a job,
Let's just say this is taking some time haha, I find it really hard to find jobs I'd be interested in and enjoy and I also find it hard to have the confidence to try something I wouldn't normally do if that makes any sense haha
But anyway, hopefully I can find one soon

Next on my list is to get my over or middle splits,
Let's say this one's a work in progress, shall we? I keep falling out of the habit of stretching regularly so I need to work on that again or I'm gonna get no where haha

Go zip lining finally,
I haven't gotten around to this but I would love to still, I want to start trying more adventurous things
I feel like if I can do this this year it would be really cool if I could film it too

Keep going to the gym and stretching more is up next,
As I mentioned above I keep falling out of the habit of stretching regularly so I need to work on that but as for the gym I have been a few times this year so far I think, so that's going okay
I just go whenever I can really haha

Now for the social media, blog and YouTube goals I set at the beginning of the year

Get 1k or 2k subscribers on YouTube,
I mean I'm not even close to either of these numbers, currently I have 37 subscribers, but it's only half way through the year, there's still plenty of time

Hit 20k or 30k total page views on my blog,
I'm getting pretty close to 20k already so I think there's a strong chance of this happening before the end of the year
Currently I'm at the 17k mark so only just under 3k to go until I hit 20k
As for 30k, we'll see haha

Hit 2k or 5k on Instagram,
You can tell I wrote this goal when I was gaining quite a few followers on Instagram, recently it's slowed down though and I'm currently stuck in the 800s (and have been for quite a while now) so we'll have to see if this one gets close to happening later in the year
If you'd like to follow me on Instagram you can find it here

Hit 1k or 2k followers on Twitter,
I'm not doing great with this one either haha, I'm stuck in the 300s on Twitter, I really find Twitter so much harder to gain followers on so we'll see how this goes
If you'd like to follow my Twitter and help me out you can find it here

Kind of moving back out of social media goals now and back into random ones

Get a Macbook,
Now MacBooks aren't cheap, I know haha so I'm not even close to this one either
But hopefully before the end of 2019 I can have a job so I can save better and get a Macbook, there's still plenty of time haha

Next on the list, finally go to Brighton,
I haven't done this yet either, I've wanted to go to Brighton for years so hopefully I'll be able to do this one before the end of the year

Do a 30 day fitness challenge was next on my list,
I actually completed this in January, I did a 30 day ab challenge and as hard as it was it was pretty fun
I would however definitely like to do another 30 day challenge or two throughout the remainder of this year, even though they're pretty hard haha

Upload a dance video,
I have uploaded dance related videos to my channel but I haven't uploaded an actual video of me dancing just yet,
But I would love to post a video of me dancing sometime this year, I don't feel like I'm ready to do so just yet, at least not with my own choreography but maybe I'll get my dance teacher to work on something with me sometime soon
The only thing that concerns me with this is YouTube's copyright situation haha

The final goal on my somewhat long list, start learning French again,
I have been doing this recently, but definitely not as regularly as I could be but it's a work in progress

And that is all for my 2019 goals update!
I hope you enjoyed it, I just wanted to let you guys know how I'm doing with them so far,
Let me know in the comments what is one thing you still want to achieve this year? And what is one thing you've already achieved?
If you have any summer blog post ideas leave them in the comments also

Thank you so much for reading and I will see you soon for another blog post,
Hanna x

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