Happy first day of Autumn! Can you believe Summer is over already? Where did it go? haha
I must admit I'm slightly excited for Autumn this year (I'm excited to start wearing my heeled boots again haha)
Anyway, today I am posting the final update to my summer bucket list from this year
Ok, I'm going to start by listing everything I had already completed in the previous update and then I will go on to list new things I completed and things I still didn't get around to completing
So, without further a do let's get into it
Here are the things I had already completed in the last update
- Learn to bake/cook something new
As you'll have seen in the last update if you've read it I made some cookies with my older sister and my nieces
Basically the ingredients came in a bottle and you just added butter I think
Also even though they look pale they were cooked haha
- Vlog
Little update on this too, the vlog hasn't gone up yet as I have been having trouble with the new editing software I got (basically the software crashed and now I can't open the file) but I emailed them and I've scheduled a remote session with them so they can have a look and see if they can recover the file, if they can, I pick up where I left off editing, if they can't, I will have to start the editing process again but I am still going to upload it, hopefully soon, either way
- Go out for ice cream
Again as mentioned in the previous update I completed this one also, quite a few times probably haha
- Film at least one or two summer videos
I filmed an everyday summer makeup video and of course I have the vlog I filmed that isn't up yet
- Watch/see a sunset
I mean this one was pretty easy haha but I put these pictures in the last update of a really pretty sunset for those who haven't read it
- Go bowling
This is actually in the vlog I mentioned so hopefully I can get that up soon
If you haven't read the previous update though I put in this picture
- Go to an arcade
Again, this is in the vlog coming soon
But for those who didn't see the last summer bucket list update I put in these photo booth photos from the arcade
- Do a summer Instagram photo shoot
Some of the pictures from this 'photoshoot' are on my Instagram which you can find here if you want to see them
- Make a mason jar salad
For those who haven't seen the last update, I think I made a couple of these but this is the one I got a picture of
- Make a French Click order
If you've read my blog for a couple of years you'll know in 2017 I made an order of French food and drink on French Click (and wrote a blog post about it) and so this year I made another smaller order as I was craving Oasis haha
- Try a new food or drink
I mentioned in the last update that I tried a couple of different cheese bite things from McDonald's I had never tried
- Take a lot of photos
In the last update I mentioned that I had taken over 400 photos through the summer so far, I'm now pretty sure this is up to 500 plus haha, most of which are of my dogs but also sunsets and other stuff
Ok, so those are the things I had already completed in the previous update, if you want to see the photos to go with these then you can find them in the previous update blog post here
Now onto the new things I have completed since then, there aren't a ton but there are a few
- Get Starbucks
Probably a week or two ago my Dad went shopping for a few bits near a Starbucks so naturally I had to get one haha
I got my usual, a grande hot chocolate with whipped cream
Starbucks hot chocolate is definitely my fave, hence why I always get that haha
- Take a digital detox
I started a social media break last Monday and honestly I found throughout the week off I didn't even miss social media, in fact, I've started doing French every morning instead of going on social media and I love it
I've on and off learnt French for years but never really stuck at it, I started learning it because me and my family used to go to France every year and I wanted to be able to understand French more. I also have a friend who lives in France who speaks both French and English and I think it's really cool haha
I've on and off learnt French for years but never really stuck at it, I started learning it because me and my family used to go to France every year and I wanted to be able to understand French more. I also have a friend who lives in France who speaks both French and English and I think it's really cool haha
I definitely want to continue to spend less time on social media too
- Save up a bit more
I guess you could say I did and didn't complete this a lot through summer haha but recently I've started saving up a bit more again so I guess that counts right? haha
- Buy an editing software
I bought a new editing software on the 31st August and I love the software, I've only had one major problem with it (as I mentioned earlier in this post) where it crashed and I lost my project but fingers crossed they can fix it
Other than that I love all of the new features it has that the previous software I was using didn't have
- Make tacos
I went with my Dad to Tesco the other day and decided to get some taco shells and some other stuff to make some tacos
I must say they turned out really well and they were really nice too!
In my tacos I had boiled chicken breast, chopped tomatoes, sweetcorn and then topped them off with emmental cheese and they were so good!
I even had them the next day aswell haha
Here is the best pic I got though, some of the pictures didn't turn out super great
I even had them the next day aswell haha
Here is the best pic I got though, some of the pictures didn't turn out super great
I definitely think I'll be eating these more now haha
And those are all of the things I completed since posting the last update, not as many as I had hoped to complete but better than none haha
Now for the things I still didn't complete
Now for the things I still didn't complete
- Take a train somewhere
Unfortunately I didn't get around to doing this one but I mean it doesn't have to be summer to get a train somewhere now does it? haha
- Ride an open top bus
Honestly I'm not too bothered I didn't get to do this one, I'm happy with what I did complete, I still kind of wanna do this one day though, I think it could be fun
- Go to a castle
I feel like I was being a tad outgoing I guess with some of these so I'm not too fussed I didn't get around to this one, I can do it anytime really
- Take a river boat ride
I think I somewhat forgot about this one to be honest haha
- Ride a pedlo
I would still like to do this one day, I think it would be fun to do
- Try frozen yoghurt
I'm sad I didn't get to do this one as I put it on my list every year but never get to complete it haha, basically there isn't a frozen yoghurt place super close to me but there is one near if that makes sense
- Go out for brakfast/brunch
If you read the last update you'll know me and Tamanna tried to get to Frankie and Benny's for breakfast but made it just after 12 so we were too late
- Go to the seaside
- Go to the beach
I put these together as they're kind of the same haha
I had plans to go to the beach this summer but it sadly never happened, oh well who says I can't take some pics on the beach in autumn? haha
- Make ice lollies
Honestly I feel like I decided not to do this one as I wanted to prioritise other things on the list instead
- Play mini golf
This was also going to happen when I went to the beach but maybe I can do this in autumn too
- Go zip lining
Honestly I kind of forgot about this one haha, I still want to do it sometime though
- Go to a trampoline park
I think I forgot this one too haha which is weird because I have one near me haha
Oh well it's indoors so I can still do it sometime
- Go to an inflatable park
this one was kind of a long shot as the inflatable park isn't super near by like the trampoline park is haha
- Try an aerial class
I didn't get around to this although I still really want to try this
- Go to an aquarium
I didn't get to do this this year but if you've read my blog for a while or you watch my YouTube channel you'll know I did this last year for my birthday so I'm not too sad about this one
- Drink more/be more hydrated
In my defence I tried with this one and failed haha, when we had the really hot weather I drank a lot more but then as it cooled down again I went back to my usual drinking habits which isn't a lot, but hey I tried haha
- Go to the gym
I think some of these just got forgotten because I ended up doing other things instead, like with the gym for example the day I met up with Tamanna we went bowling etc instead because well it's just more fun haha although I do love the gym
- Go to a zoo
I feel like this was another long shot really haha, because I can't drive some places like the zoo were just harder to get too haha so I ended up doing the things that were closer
- Wear a bikini/swimsuit
Again this one tied in with the beach so sadly I didn't complete it
- Film a summer bucket list update as well as write one
I started this but never finished it so that's why I've put it with uncompleted, I started it when my french click order came and I filmed a clip of that but then I wasn't always able to film clips for other things after that so it kind of got put to the side I guess haha, oh well maybe next year I'll try this one again haha
And that is it! We have reached the end of my final summer bucket list update for 2019!
I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you all had a great summer
I'm super happy with everything I completed this year, I think I just put too much on my summer bucket lists each year and that's why there's so much that doesn't get done. Maybe I'll actually make a shorter list next year haha
Anyway, let me know in the comments what your favourite thing you did in summer was
Thank you so much for reading and I will see you soon for another blog post,
Hanna x
I'm super happy with everything I completed this year, I think I just put too much on my summer bucket lists each year and that's why there's so much that doesn't get done. Maybe I'll actually make a shorter list next year haha
Anyway, let me know in the comments what your favourite thing you did in summer was
Thank you so much for reading and I will see you soon for another blog post,
Hanna x
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