Monday, 22 April 2019

2 Years Of Blogging Q&A!

Hey guys,
So, the other day my blog turned two! (April 16th)
I did a post on that day about all the things I’ve learnt in the last two years about blogging, today though I thought I would do another two year post and answer some questions,
I asked for questions about my two years of blogging on Instagram and Twitter, I got a few on Instagram but none on Twitter, so let's get into the answers shall we?

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

What I’ve Learnt In 2 Years Of Blogging

Hey guys,
Today’s post is a special one because my blog turns 2 today!
Last year I did a blog photo-shoot for my first year, so this year in celebration of my 2nd year blogging I thought I would share some things I’ve learnt since I started blogging 2 years ago
I asked on Instagram for ideas of what to do for my blog turning two and I’d like to thank Apostolia for giving me the idea for this post, I’ll link her blog here as her blog just turned two a few days ago!
Now, let’s get right into the post

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Day Out: Clothes, Pizza and Baking Ingredients

Hey guys,
It’s been a while since I did a day out style post so I’m back today with one!
Lately when I go out I’ve started vlogging instead of writing blog posts about my day like I used to,
So today I thought I would go back to my roots and do a day out post

Monday, 1 April 2019

Where I've Been And March Highlights

Hey guys,
I'm back! So for those who don't know I decided after posting my February Highlights post that I wanted to take a month off of blogging
The reason for this being I had been getting a lot of spam views and felt as though I couldn't determine what were real views and what were spam, at one point the spam views were actually higher than my actual views, this meant that when I would hit milestones it didn't feel as real as before as it felt like I was only hitting them because of spam views,
As well as that I just felt like my posts weren't as good as before, I feel like maybe over the last near two years of blogging I maybe put too much pressure on myself to post regularly that I just burnt myself out when it came to blogging, I wasn't as inspired and didn't have as many ideas as before as I'd done most of them already
Anyway, with all of that said I am back now, I'll admit I'm still a little stuck for ideas (if you have any leave them in the comments haha) but I'm working on that