Sunday, 1 April 2018

March Highlights (2018)

Hey guys,
It's April 1st! Happy Easter Sunday!
Following on from the other highlight posts I have been doing, today I'm sharing with you my highlights from March,
So, let's jump right into it,

2nd March:

This one is kind of a highlight, but on the 2nd of March in dance we did pirouettes and I noticed that mine had improved, I think it's since I've started doing an ab workout, I managed to control them a little better

7th March:

Again not so much a highlight but I thought I'd mention it anyway,
On the 7th I decided to practice some glissade jete things at home that I had struggled with in dance and when I slowed them down and practised for a while I got them better than they were before

Also on the 7th I noticed my makeup collection and storage post had hit 100 views (Thank you guys!)

8th March:

On the 8th I noticed my blog had gained a new follower, meaning my blog now had 6 followers, this might not seem like a lot to some people but I appreciate every new follower haha

Also on the 8th I used the Stork ready to bake style chocolate cupcake mix to make some chocolate cupcakes, I'll put a picture of how they turned out in here,

I will say I had to ice them a different day though so you'll see the finished cakes later on

Also on the 8th I noticed my categories page and my contact/social media page had passed 100 views, meaning now all of my 'pages' have passed 100 views

9th March:

Not so much a highlight, but, this was the day I wrote a post in memory of our family dog Guinness, who we lost on the 9th of March 2016 and I got some really nice comments on this post so thank you guys, it means a lot

10th March:

On the 10th I got 103 overall views on my blog, so that was pretty cool haha
I love writing down and remember little things like this

The 10th was also the day I iced and decorated the cupcakes I mentioned before, I'll put in a picture of how they turned out now haha

The icing went a little runny but they tasted pretty good haha

13th March:

Again, not so much a highlight but on the 13th I went shopping for gym stuff with my Mum,
I got two pairs of sports leggings and two tank tops from Primark and a water bottle in Sports Direct, I also picked up a pair of false lashes in Primark to try out at a later date haha

14th March: 

On the 14th I went to the gym and for lunch with Tamanna
I actually posted a post about my first time in the gym and what I had for lunch

17th March:

On the 17th I tried false eyelashes for the first time,
My auntie put them on for me, she had never put on false lashes before so they went on a little high up but I really like the effect they give haha

18th March:

The 18th was the day I posted my first ever Q&A,
This was a really fun experience and I really loved answering all of the questions

20th March:

The 20th of March was my Mum's birthday, so we went to pick my Dad up from work and then went out for lunch before Dad went back to work,
I had a chicken and bacon sandwich with chips, I'll put in pics now

They had fairy lights everywhere so of course I had to take a picture haha

This sandwich was super yummy! haha

21st March:

On the 21st I went to what's called a job fair, this is basically where companies gather and you walk around and talk to them and you can also apply there and stuff,
I got two job options whilst here, which was nice, it made me feel so much better ahaha, although now I'm still waiting for them both to contact me, I'm actually thinking of emailing them so fingers crossed haha

I also got a well deserved Starbucks afterwards haha

22nd March:

On the 22nd I went shopping for some baking ingredients for a post I had coming up, it took absolutely forever to find mini creme eggs though haha

23rd March:

On the 23rd I finally posted my returns and exchanges for Zaful,
Not so much a highlight more like a stress lifted haha, I'm now just waiting to see what happens next so that I can write my follow up review

I also picked up a free Dior foundation sample, the only issue is the shade they gave me is a little dark, but the foundations feels really nice on

The 23rd was also the day my blog hit 7,000 total page views, so thank you guys! This is amazing and so unreal to me! I have been blogging for nearly a year and I really can't believe how far my blog has come in that time

24th March:

On the 24th we went to my Auntie's house for dinner as we do some Saturday's but this time some family friends had come to see us all as well so that was nice to see them haha

25th March:

On the 25th my This Or That Tag hit 100 views, a lot of my posts are hitting and passing 100 views just lately so thank you for all of your support and for reading my posts, it really means a lot to me!
I remember when 30-40 views were my highest! haha

I also gained another follower on my blog on the 25th, I now have 7 so thank you again!

And also on the 25th me and my Mum did some Easter baking, you can find my blog post about it here
I will also put in some pictures now of what we made,

Creme egg cookie cups:

Mini egg cookie bars:

And finally, Mini Egg easter nest cupcakes:

I've put this picture in because we didn't actually get around to decorating these until the next day haha

26th March:

The day we decorated the mini egg Easter nest cupcakes,

I must say though the mini egg cookie bar was my favourite and I will definitely be making another cookie bar soon as they're delicious haha

March 31st:

On the 31st I noticed my About Me page had hit 200 views, this is the first thing on my blog EVER to get 200 views, so thank you so much! What a great way to end the month!

That's all for my March highlights, I'll link my other highlights below in case you haven't seen them yet,

I hope you enjoyed this post,
Leave me a comment telling me one of your favourite things from March

Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon with another new post,
Hanna x


  1. Enjoyed reading your March highlights - all your baking looks delicious!

  2. Congratulations on all the milestones you hit throughout March - that's great! All the cakes look delicious that you made :)


    1. Thank you so much! It was a great month haha x
