Sunday, 4 February 2018

The Travel Tag

Hey guys,
So today I thought I would do another tag, my last one was the 13 Personal Questions Tag, which I will link so you can check that out if you would like,
Anyway, today's tag is more to do with travelling, it's the Travel Tag,
I got this idea from Kelly at thekellydianereport, I'll link her post so you can check it out if you would like,

With all of that said, let's jump into the tag,

1) Which countries of the world have you already visited?
France and Wales

2) Which destination is number one on your bucket list?
I have a lot of places I want to go actually, for example I'd love to go to France with my friends and show them why I love it so much
But as for somewhere I haven't been I really wanna see Dubai one day

3) What is your most ideal holiday?
Anywhere warm haha

4) Which place did you think was so special that you would like to go back there sometime?
I love Wales but France is by far my favourite place, I love the food, hearing the language, everything! So definitely France

5) Show us your nicest holiday photo
I love a lot of my photos from holidays but I'll put one of my faves from Wales and one of my faves from France,
I actually have posts up on both holidays so I'll link them on the names of the two countries,


I love this pic because it's one of my dog's paw prints in the sand on the beach

I have a ton of pictures from France that I love but this is just one of them

6) Did you have to travel for work sometime? If yes, where?
No, I have never travelled for work

7) Who do you mostly go on holiday with?
My family

8) Who would you like to go on vacation with?
I love going places with my family but I would also like to step out of my comfort zone and start going on trips with friends

9) Who or what would you take to an uninhabited island?
Probably friends or family, my dogs and food/drink haha

10) Have you ever been on holiday to The Netherlands? If so, where?
No, I haven't

11) Would you rather go to an amusement park or a zoo?
Probably a zoo, I'm not one for roller-coasters haha

12) Would you rather go on a ski or sun vacation?
Definitely sunny holiday, I don't get on well with the cold haha

13) What is your nicest holiday memory?
There's quite a few haha but maybe when I met my now-best-friend in France on holiday haha or going to The Grand Aquarium in France, I got to see giant turtles which I flipping love hahaha

14) What is your worst holiday memory?
Not sure really, I don't think there is one

15) Which countries are you going to on holiday this year?
I think me and my family are going to Wales again this summer, so I'm excited to do some outfit posts on that

16) Where would you never go on holiday to?
I'm not sure, I can't think of any at the moment, I like exploring new places haha

That's all for this post,
Let me know if you have any tags you would like me to do,
I hope you enjoyed this post,
Thank you for reading,

I will see you soon with another new post,
Hanna x


  1. You should do a writing tag next. Love this tag btw.

    1. I'll bear that in mind but I don't really write anything apart from my blog haha

  2. Great post , I haven’t seen this tag before so really enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing 😃

    Melanie |

    1. Thank you, I hadn't seen it up until the other week haha

  3. Haven't seen this tag before so was really interesting to read! I'd definitely prefer to go to a Zoo over an amusement park - I love seeing all the animals. I've never been to France before! I'd love to go one day with my boyfriend, it sounds and looks like such a beautiful place to go on Holiday!


    1. Thank you! Yeah haha I'm just not a roller coaster person ahaha. It really is a beautiful place, my favourite place by far 😊

  4. I loved reading your answers for this tag! I’m like you, I’ve only ever travelled with my family but I really want to start travelling with my friends now that I’m older! Great post!

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I wanna start going new places with friends too haha

  5. France is in my top 10 countries to visit and I’ve seen photos of Wales - both look amazing to visit and to have a fun time in! We’re sort of opposite on #3 - I love the cold weather - send me anywhere cold and I’ll be happy! I usually go on holiday trips with my family but recently have been trying to plan trips with friends to see how that would be - think it would be fun! I haven’t heard of this tag but it was really fun to read through!


    1. I absolutely love France, and Wales too, I love visiting aquariums and zoos in France, the last time we went we actually went to a theme park though haha
      Haha, I don't mind autumn but winter is too cold for me
      Yeah I think it would be fun to go on trips with friends too, see more places and thank you so much I appreciate the comment :)

  6. I have also been to France and Wales! They are 2 of my favourite places, I go Wales a lot but only been France once when I was younger but would love to go again! x

    1. If I had to choose France would be my favourite by far but I love Wales a lot too! Thank you for commenting
