Hey guys,
Today I thought I would post the Christmas tag,
I've seen a lot of versions of this while looking around on Google for the questions,
I decided to use the milkbubbletea version, I know its from 2014 but I liked the questions in this one
To start, like everyday, I will be opening my advent calendars,
I'm really loving using this to start each blog post, I love being able to show you the products I get each day,
Tanya Burr Cosmetics Day 6:
Makeup Revolution Day 6:
With that out of the way, let the Christmassy questions begin!
1) What is your favourite Christmas movie/s?
This probably sounds really cliche but I quite like Elf, I know most people say that but I do haha
But I also like most Christmas movies on TV, I just love the Christmassy feel.
2) Do you open your presents on Christmas eve or Christmas day?
Christmas day, usually in the morning. I always love to open presents pretty much before anything else.
3) Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I don't think I have a favourite but one memory I love is from 2 years ago and it was the last Christmas with my dog, Guinness (I'll put a pic here of him)
I remember him opening his presents and one of them was some Christmas treats from pets at home and they were like 'truffles' and he somehow managed to open the wrapping paper and the box of 'truffles' at the same time and 3 fell out and he scoffed them up quickly haha
He loved opening presents <3
4) Favourite festive food?
I love a good Christmas dinner but I also love anything Christmas themed
I also love chocolates and stuff too at Christmas as well as pigs in blankets, I don't eat pigs in blankets enough
5) Favourite Christmas gift?
This is a hard question haha
I can't really think of one
I usually like all of my presents
6) Favourite Christmas Scent?
Again I'm not sure with this one haha
7) Do you have any Christmas eve traditions?
Not sure I ever had a tradition but as a kid I'm pretty sure sometimes we would be allowed to open one present on Christmas eve
8) What tops your tree?
My own personal tree in my room currently has a ballerina bauble as a topper haha
I have a small tree and can't find one that doesn't just flop, so this is a cute alternative
9) As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravegant) gift you always asked for but never received?
This is another difficult question. I can't think of something in particular but my Christmas list was mostly just toys and games and stuff etc haha
I remember going through the Argos catalogue most years and marking off whatever I wanted
10) What's the best part of Christmas for you?
I really love giving and receiving presents and spending time with family, I also really love Christmas dinner and I just love that Christmas feel overall.
I also really love Christmas lights and decorations too haha
That brings us to the end of the Christmas tag,
I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you're enjoying blogmas, I know I'm loving writing it!
Thank you for reading, as always.
Leave me a comment what you love most about Christmas or feel free to answer the questions,
See you tomorrow in my next post!
Hanna x
Day 6 of the Tanya Burr advent calendar was the second glitter liner, this one is silver,
I actually wore the gold one yesterday and really liked it, it's a really subtle glitter liner rather than dramatic
I'm sorry the swatches for this one didn't turn out great haha
Makeup Revolution Day 6:
Day 6 of the Makeup Revolution advent calendar was this super cute mini face brush, I haven't used this yet but it is a really soft brush!
With that out of the way, let the Christmassy questions begin!
1) What is your favourite Christmas movie/s?
This probably sounds really cliche but I quite like Elf, I know most people say that but I do haha
But I also like most Christmas movies on TV, I just love the Christmassy feel.
2) Do you open your presents on Christmas eve or Christmas day?
Christmas day, usually in the morning. I always love to open presents pretty much before anything else.
3) Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I don't think I have a favourite but one memory I love is from 2 years ago and it was the last Christmas with my dog, Guinness (I'll put a pic here of him)
He loved opening presents <3
4) Favourite festive food?
I love a good Christmas dinner but I also love anything Christmas themed
I also love chocolates and stuff too at Christmas as well as pigs in blankets, I don't eat pigs in blankets enough
5) Favourite Christmas gift?
This is a hard question haha
I can't really think of one
I usually like all of my presents
6) Favourite Christmas Scent?
Again I'm not sure with this one haha
7) Do you have any Christmas eve traditions?
Not sure I ever had a tradition but as a kid I'm pretty sure sometimes we would be allowed to open one present on Christmas eve
8) What tops your tree?
My own personal tree in my room currently has a ballerina bauble as a topper haha
I have a small tree and can't find one that doesn't just flop, so this is a cute alternative
9) As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravegant) gift you always asked for but never received?
This is another difficult question. I can't think of something in particular but my Christmas list was mostly just toys and games and stuff etc haha
I remember going through the Argos catalogue most years and marking off whatever I wanted
10) What's the best part of Christmas for you?
I really love giving and receiving presents and spending time with family, I also really love Christmas dinner and I just love that Christmas feel overall.
I also really love Christmas lights and decorations too haha
That brings us to the end of the Christmas tag,
I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you're enjoying blogmas, I know I'm loving writing it!
Thank you for reading, as always.
Leave me a comment what you love most about Christmas or feel free to answer the questions,
See you tomorrow in my next post!
Hanna x
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