Friday, 22 September 2017

The Final Update : Summer Bucket List 2017

Hey guys,
So this is going to be the final follow up to my summer bucket list,
I have already done an update post to the first summer bucket list post, but this will be the last one as summer is coming to an end,
I might not have gotten everything done off of this bucket list but I have really enjoyed doing things on this list,
Ok, let's get onto the post,
I'll start with just a list of ones I mentioned I had completed in my last update post and then move onto this update,
Completed in my last update post (Click to see the full update in more detail):

1) Go shopping
2) Take a walk
3) Go out for ice cream
4) Go to an arcade
5) Try a new Starbucks
6) Go to the beach
7) Go to a trampoline park

Now moving on to the update:

Firstly, I put on my bucket list I wanted to make a summer scrapbook,
I guess I have completed this one.
I haven't completed the scrapbook yet but I have started to make it, only problem was I ran out of paper for my HP Sprocket so I couldn't print anymore pictures to go in it.

The second thing was have a picnic,
I never did get around to this one and then later into summer the weather changed and wasn't really appropriate for a picnic anymore.

I next put see a movie,
Me and my friend were actually going to go to the cinema the other week but all of the films started too late so we didn't end up going.
So this one remains uncompleted.

Next was have a bubble bath,
I guess I've half completed this one, and by that I mean it wasn't exactly a bubble bath but I used a bath bomb from Lush and Soak Opera by Zoella Beauty. But it still wasn't quite a bubble bath haha.

Another thing on my bucket list was to watch a sunset,
I guess again I have kind of completed this,
I haven't sat and watched the entire thing (all though that would make a great time lapse) but I kept glancing and got a few great pictures that I will insert below

The next thing was to bake something,
I didn't get around to completing this one.
Yes, I still have a brownie mix in the cupboard waiting to be made.

I then put take a train ride next on my list,
This one sadly didn't get completed but there's always autumn and winter to complete it.

Go bowling was next,
Again I didn't get around to this one, I guess some things just slipped my mind from my bucket list.

Next up, take pictures in a photo booth,
Uncompleted. Sadly. I really would have loved to have done this one.

Have a barbecue was up next,
I haven't completed this during summer but I did have one just before summer,
The weather hasn't exactly been the best all of summer to do so.

Make a movie,
I have completed this one. I have a video for friends and family on an sd card from when we went to Wales this year.

Next on the list, make ice lollies (or Popsicles),
I'm so sad I didn't get around to doing this one, I love ice lollies in the summer but it seems this one slipped my mind when I would think of my list off the top of my head.

Make a collage,
I guess this one counts after starting my scrapbook,
So this one is completed.

Play mini golf was next on the list,
Another that slipped my mind, plus I don't know of many mini golf places near me.
But I do love mini golf haha.

Next I put make pizza,
I completed this one a while ago, in fact I made pizzas twice,
I put a picture of the process the first time on Instagram if you want to see how it turned out

I then put try frozen yoghurt,
I didn't complete this one.
As I mentioned in my last update I almost completed this on holiday but the shop didn't have any flavours I would like sadly.

Go to an aquarium,
I'm now realising it's mostly big things I didn't complete.
Oh well, I completed a lot of others I wanted to do.
Might try and complete this through autumn.

Make glow in the dark bubbles,
Uncompleted, again haha
I forgot about this one on my list to be fair.
Although I did buy some bubbles on holiday.

Next up, be more hydrated,
I probably failed this one haha
Some days I was probably better at being hydrated than others haha

Almost done, just a few left.

Next, try a mason jar salad,
I didn't get around to this one and although it's not summer anymore I still plan to try one as I just found mason jars in a store near me and want to get some soon.

Make a Skype call was the next thing on my long-ish list,
Didn't get this one completed either, sadly.
I wanted to Skype my friend in France but never got the chance.

Finally, go to the gym,
I haven't got round to this one yet but I am planning to go with a friend soon.

Well, that's all for my first summer bucket list,
I hope you enjoyed following along with it with me,
I've loved doing the stuff on it,
I have been considering doing a Winter/Christmas bucket list too and I have started planning some things to put on one too,

Leave me a comment what your favourite thing you did this summer was,
I loved the Wales Holiday me and my family went on this summer,
Feel free to follow for more posts too, (The follow button is on the top right on desktop and bottom of the page for mobile),

Thank you for reading,
See you in my next post,
Hanna x


  1. I love this idea of reporting back on your bucket list to see how many you did, such a beautiful sunset too! Love your blog, following on GFC :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)

    1. Thank you! I'll be sure to check out your blog too x
